Twin Lakes

Family enjoying a backyard barbecue: A man is grilling food on a barbecue, while a woman and a young girl prepare the table

Mosquito Control in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin

Who We Are: Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, Serving Twin Lakes, Wisconsin

Nice weather means you and your family are going to enjoy cookouts, get-togethers, and just quality time in the outdoors. You'll play sports in the yard with your kids while your pets will be enjoying some fresh air and sunlight as well. However, spring, summer, and fall are prime-time for tiny dangers that you may not be thinking about -- ticks and mosquitoes. Fortunately, you don't have to think about them again when you contact Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Twin Lakes area.

Our technicians at Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin serving the Twin Lakes area have ample backyard mosquito control training for the common mosquito species in Wisconsin. They understand the struggles families face from these pests and are dedicated to helping families find the right solution for home mosquito and tick treatment and prevention.

Mosquito Control in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin

Mosquitoes and ticks may seem like such a common problem, but they're a common problem that could make your family and pets ill. Mosquitoes, for example, may cause a few types of encephalitis, which is swelling on the brain. It can cause mild to severe symptoms. Some common issues associated with encephalitis include confusion, sensitivity to light, and headaches. Seizures could occur as well.

In addition, mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus, which gained recognition as a serious issue within the last few decades. It causes a fever, headaches, joint pain, and a skin rash. As of now, there's no known treatment for West Nile besides remedies to manage symptoms until the infection clears. For some, encephalitis or meningitis may occur. Sometimes, the effects are permanent.

Tick Control in Twin Lakes, Wisconsin

Ticks are known carriers of illness as well. For instance, these nuisances will suck blood, regurgitate, and possibly transmit disease. Lyme disease is one of the more common tick-borne diseases they cause. It's a bacterial infection that causes flu-like symptoms and may eventually affect your joints and organs if left untreated. It can also cause chronic issues. Although the infection is slightly different in dogs and cats, pets can get Lyme disease from ticks, too.

Ticks may also transmit the Powassan virus, along with other infections. This one primarily affects the Great Lake states, including Wisconsin. Although not everyone develops symptoms, some may have fever, vomiting, or weakness. In the more serious cases, this viral infection causes seizures, memory problems, and confusion. As of now, there isn't a treatment for this illness. The more serious cases require hospitalization to control brain swelling and other serious symptoms.

NaturalMosquito Control Twin Lakes, Wisconsin

When you contact Mosquito Squad, serving the Twin Lakes area and the surrounding Wisconsin region, you may opt for an natural mosquito control method -- a top mosquito treatment. This natural mosquito control method uses essential oils that eliminate these pests without chemicals. This is both a child-friendly and dog-safe mosquito control method, so you can have the barbeques and other outdoor events that you want without the worry of either mosquitos or toxins in your yard. You truly receive the best of both worlds.

While we believe that our naturalproducts rank as the best mosquito control solution, our other options are just as safe and effective. In fact, it's a difficult call when making a decision about which is the best mosquito control option. Although we offer solutions that use chemicals, we use the lowest amount possible to reduce the possibility of any potential dangers.

Why Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin

Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Twin Lakes area, uses the most effective methods of ridding your lawn of mosquitos and ticks that can harm your family. Our tick and mosquito eradication technicians will apply a proven treatment method, and you won't have to worry about the safety of your kids or pets because we use kid-friendly and dog-safe methods. You can rest assured knowing that we offer a guarantee for our services to every customer we serve.

Contact Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Twin Lakes area, today for a pest-free yard you can enjoy with your family and friends. You may use our contact form or give us a call at (630) 521-3303 for a tick or mosquito control quote.

Contact Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Twin Lakes area, today for a pest-free yard you can enjoy with your family and friends. You may use our contact form or give us a call at (630) 521-3303 for a tick or mosquito control quote.



If you are not fully satisfied with your Mosquito Control or Misting System, contact your Mosquito Squad office and we will make it right!

About Our Guarantee Cartoon 'Dread Skeeter' in white shirt and cargo pants with a mosquito fogger, ready for pest control.
Two smiling Mosquito Squad technicians in green uniforms with backpack sprayers, ready for service in a residential area.