Silver Lake

Family enjoying a backyard barbecue: A man is grilling food on a barbecue, while a woman and a young girl prepare the table

Mosquito Control in Silver Lake, Wisconsin

Who We Are: Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, Serving Silver Lake, Wisconsin

Spending lots of time at home means you should be free to enjoy your yard and the great outdoors. During summer and spring when the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining, it's an excellent time to be outside enjoying your yard and outdoor living areas. If you hesitate to go outside due to the plague of mosquitoes or ticks is just waiting to attack, let us go first. We are the Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Silver Lake area. We eliminate mosquito and tick populations so you are free to run, play, bask, swim, and relax outdoors worry-free. With traditional or natural tick and mosquito treatment, we secure your yard so the great outdoors is yours. We provide service in the greater Silver Lake area and throughout Southern Wisconsin.

Mosquito Control in Silver Lake, Wisconsin

We offer traditional mosquito treatment is an ongoing service that controls mosquitoes throughout the season. We mist your yard every 14-days on a schedule that works for you. The traditional treatment kills off mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting pests and allows you safely to enjoy the yard with your pets and kids.

We also offer an naturalapproach to mosquito control in Silver Lake. Our natural products kill mosquitoes on contact and then repel mosquitoes for about 14 days. Like our traditional service, our natural mosquito control service visits your yard every 14 days to reapply our solution. The product is a blend of essential oils that offers a botanical fragrance rather than harsh chemical odors. The product is safe after half an hour, and the outdoors is yours to enjoy.

It takes just one mosquito bite to spread the disease from the mosquito to a human. Technically, as the mosquito bites you, the pathogen that causes the disease enters your body. If your immune system cannot destroy those pathogens, you acquire the disease. Mosquitoes have a relationship with water. They lay their eggs in water, and the naiads spend much of their life in water. We inoculate the areas where that attract mosquitoes, keeping their population low. Our system works on a two-week cycle, so we actively confront mosquitoes during all the phases of their lifecycle - egg, pupa, naiad, adult. By actively destroying the mosquito lifecycle, we reduce their population and make it possible for people to enjoy the outdoor.

Tick Control in Silver Lake, Wisconsin

The Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin team also controls ticks and other biting insects that tend to infiltrate your yard. Ticks spread many diseases, including Lyme Disease, that can be detrimental to your health and the health of your beloved pets.

We practice safe and effective pest control throughout the Silver Lake area. Don't spend another season wondering if your backyard is a haven for ticks. With Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Silver Lake area, ticks will no longer be a problem.

Natural Mosquito Control Silver Lake, Wisconsin

With naturalessential oil treatment for your yard, the pests disappear, and spring and summer fun begin. You don't need to worry about misting chemicals in your yard when you opt for natural mosquito protection and treatment. Essential oils are a good mosquito deterrent that does not harm humans or pets, so after about 30 minutes, your family is free to head outside safely.

When it comes to home mosquito control in SIlver Lake, explore out natural backyard mosquito treatment options and you won't regret it!

Why Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin

Mosquitoes are one of the most common ways that disease spreads. They are responsible for many deaths each year from malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, and other illnesses that may or may not have treatments. As the climate changes, diseases that were more isolated due to geographic barriers, such as malaria, are making their way north into areas where it was once too cold for those diseases to thrive, and making backyard mosquito control a priority.

We offer the best backyard mosquito protection in Southern Wisconsin and our services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee to keep you safe - no matter what.

The best way to eliminate the stress caused by pests in your yard is to contact Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin, serving the Silver Lake area, today. Give us a call at (630) 521-3303 and discover how our mosquito exterminator company can help transform your backyard into a fun and safe place for your family to enjoy year-round.

Give us a call at (630) 521-3303 and discover how our mosquito control company can help transform your backyard into a fun and safe place for your family to enjoy year-round.



If you are not fully satisfied with your Mosquito Control or Misting System, contact your Mosquito Squad office and we will make it right!

About Our Guarantee Cartoon 'Dread Skeeter' in white shirt and cargo pants with a mosquito fogger, ready for pest control.
Two smiling Mosquito Squad technicians in green uniforms with backpack sprayers, ready for service in a residential area.