
Family enjoying a backyard barbecue: A man is grilling food on a barbecue, while a woman and a young girl prepare the table

You Can Destroy Grayslake Mosquitoes and Ticks With Our Help

Mosquito Squad of Southern wi, Serving Grayslake, Illinois

Grayslake mosquito eradication is something that you should take seriously for your home and your family. Though you may not realize it, Chicago is consistently in the top five rankings for mosquito population density. When spring and summer hits, these invasive species will spread throughout the area and potentially causes disease outbreaks and other problems.

Thankfully, we provide many traditional care methods that will help kill mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests in your yard. We also offer naturalcare for those who do not want a chemical-based treatment. And all of our technicians are local to the area, meaning that they understand your needs and will help you out in any way that makes sense.

Mosquito Control in Grayslake, Illinois

Mosquitoes in Grayslake have a way of spreading throughout this relatively urban area via rural areas nearby. They also find places of still water even in the densest urban areas, laying their eggs here and allowing them to hatch with ease. Therefore, you need to do what you can to make sure that your home and yard are as safe from these pests as is possible with treatment.

Our mosquito exterminator service for Grayslake utilizes what is known as Barrier Protection Treatment. This care option focuses on eliminating mosquitoes lingering around your property, destroying their eggs, killing the larvae, and exterminating adults on contact. We try to use focused treatment methods by paying particular attention to areas where mosquitoes are likely to hide.

Tick Control in Grayslake, Illinois

Ticks in Illinois are not uncommon but are as rarely discussed as mosquitoes. That's because they are clever about hiding, find ways to feast on people without getting noticed, and can be very skilled at spreading in areas you wouldn't expect. Often, they hide in homes during the winter and leave during the summer to find other creatures on which they can feast.

Thankfully, our Barrier Protection Treatment can provide the long-term help that you need to prevent mosquitoes. When misted by our care experts, it should provide up to 21 days of protection from ticks. It will kill eggs, nymphs, and adults on impact, allowing your yard to be as free of ticks as possible. Make sure to check your family for ticks regularly during the heaviest tick season to ensure this care worked.

NaturalMosquito Control Grayslake, Illinois

Are you sick of worrying about mosquito-borne diseases but don't want to use chemicals on your lawn? While our treatment method is designed to be safe on your grass and for your family, we understand that some people don't trust traditional pesticides. That's why we've created a natural solution that uses essential oils to keep mosquitoes out of your yard for up to 14 days after application. Schedule booster applications to keep your yard safe through most of the season.

Our natural mosquito fogging in Grayslake focuses on sensitive areas or spots that may need more specialized care. For example, if you have very active kids and pets, our naturalcare is a great choice. After a few hours, your family will be safe to play in your yard. Even before them, our combination of oils isn't likely to cause any severe health problems because it uses naturalingredients that are easy to tolerate.

Why Mosquito Squad of southern wisconsin

You can call us to learn more about how we serve you and even get a mosquito fogging bid for Grayslake homes. You deserve a home that is as free of mosquitoes as possible and should take the time to find one that suits your needs. So make sure that you are willing and ready to reach out to us if you find that these pests need traditional or naturalcare methods.

You don't have to live a life constantly frustrated by mosquitoes and ticks. Instead, you can call us at (630) 521-3303 or use our online contact form to set up an appointment for inspection and treatment. Our professionals will provide you with a satisfaction guarantee for each of our care methods and strive to protect you and your family from any problems with pests and other vermin.



If you are not fully satisfied with your Mosquito Control or Misting System, contact your Mosquito Squad office and we will make it right!

About Our Guarantee Cartoon 'Dread Skeeter' in white shirt and cargo pants with a mosquito fogger, ready for pest control.
Two smiling Mosquito Squad technicians in green uniforms with backpack sprayers, ready for service in a residential area.