Is the Zika Mosquito in Greenville?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

A common question, with an easy answer: Yes. The Aedes Aegypti & the Aedes Albopictus (Asian Tiger) mosquitoes call Greenville and all of the Southeast United States home. These mosquitoes are easy to detect by their daytime feeding habits and the stripes on their bodies and legs that are their namesake. While the Aedes Aegypti is the main mosquito being blamed for current Zika outbreaks in Colombia and Brazil, there are potentially more mosquitoes capable of carrying & transmitting the Zika Virus. We will update you with that information as it becomes available.

The Aedes Aegypti

mosquito on skinWidely known as the “yellow fever mosquito”, the Aedes Aegyptiis an especially dangerous disease vector with its daytime feeding habits and container habitation. Commonly using unused flower pots or spare tires for its breeding grounds, the Aedes Aegypti thrives quite well in urban areas. These mosquitoes look very similar to the Asian Tiger mosquito with white stripes on the legs and body. The key difference being the white scales above its head on the thorax in the shape of a violin. Aedes Aegypti are key vectors in spreading many diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever and Zika Virus.

The Asian Tiger Mosquito

mosquito on skin

The Asian Tiger mosquitoes (Aedes Albopictus) hails from the same mosquito family as the Aedes Aegtypti. They surprisingly have lead to the decline of the Aedes Aegypti in the Southeast United States as their larval forms out compete the Aedes Aegyptilarvae. Like the Aedes Aegypti, the Asian Tiger mosquito thrives in fresh water stored in containers. They survive well in urban/suburban areas and are also a daytime feeder. Their appearance is very similar to the Aedes Aegypti, the key difference being the white stripe running down the center of the head and thorax. The Asian Tiger mosquito is vector of many diseases such as dengue fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and Zika Virus.

One of your best lines of defense against these aggressive mosquitoes is to eliminate standing water in your yard. Follow our 5 T’s of Mosquito Control for checking your property for mosquito breeding risks. To gain peace of mind, be sure to give us a call, we can eliminate 85% of all species of mosquitoes on your property with our mosquito barrier treatment. (864) 362-2013 Take back your yard with help from Mosquito Squad of Greenville.