Keeping the Bugs Out of Your Next Clambake or BBQ

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 12, 2015

Summer’s in full swing here in the North Shore and few things say “outdoor entertaining” better than a delicious New England clambake and BBQ. From birthday parties, to wedding receptions, or family reunions– getting outside with your family, friends, and loved ones for an event requires effort, time, and planning. To go off completely without a hitch, don’t forget to include a barrier treatment program to eliminate the mosquitoes and adult ticks from your party site!

Mosquitoes and ticks are notorious party crashers, but they are not after the clams, lobsters, or ribs! While most guests may think of mosquitoes and ticks merely as just a nuisance to swat at or dust off, we know better. These creatures are actually vicious little predators who can carry many harmful illnesses and diseases, especially here in our beloved North Shore. No one wants to discover that a close friend contracted West Nile Virus or Lyme Disease as a result of being bitten at your party.

Mosquitoes are attracted to body heat, carbon dioxide, sweat, certain fragrances, and even certain foods like bananas and beer. Ticks are patient questers. They will perch on a long blade of grass for weeks at a time, just waiting for a host to latch onto and feast.  What are our local options for Saugus mosquito and tick control?

Depending on the formality of your event, you may be tempted to set up a “do it yourself” solution. While these DIY tips look nice on Pinterest, they are often quite expensive to implement full-scale and many times can present a fire hazard (think fine fabric, heavy sprays, hair, and flame). Many DIY solutions are heavy on smell, in an attempt distract mosquitoes.  This can drown out the most tantalizing aromas of baked lobster and ribs and leave an odd aftertaste in your mouth if you breathe in too many fumes. There is also a risk of staining from certain homestead or survival recipes that can ruin expensive clothing.

Make it easy for yourself and your party venue with one call: Mosquito Squad of Franklin & Framingham. For over five years, our EPA-registered barrier treatment have been helping you are neighbors pull off a successful, bug-free event. We can effectively eliminate 85% – 90% of all adult ticks and mosquitoes from your venue or property. Not just for a day, but for weeks at a time. Two added bonuses include treating up to a ½ acre of land thoroughly as well as our application’s weather resistant properties. That’s right: thorough coverage that really works, regardless of a rainstorm. We stand proudly behind our work. Our customer satisfaction is consistently ranked our number one priority.  

So give yourself peace of mind and keep those bugs out of your next clambake or BBQ. To learn more about Mosquito Squad of Franklin & Framingham mosquito and tick control, or to schedule your free consultation for your next outdoor event throughout the entire region, you can contact us today at Mosquito Squad of Franklin & Framingham. Or simply call now to sign up.