CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin the rest of your summer

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 14, 2011

How was your Independence day celebration? Did you and your family and friends get together for a little outdoor grilling, conversation and to show your patriotism for our nations birthday? I am sure like many folks all over this great land of ours you planned your celebration with relaxation, comfort and enjoyment in mind. But apparently the mosquitoes “thought” they were invited to the festivities as well!

Yikes, the mosquitoes came for the fun and invited all their friends and family as well. Maybe your celebration went a little like this… there were mosquitoes at the cookout, mosquitoes at dinner, mosquitoes while roasting marshmallows, mosquitoes during conversation and mosquitoes while we were trying to enjoy that decadent after dinner dessert or beverage. If this reads like a page from your diary, Mosquito Squad has the answer to all your mosquito woes.

On Independence day, and any other day during this season, many of us entertain outdoors and this is especially true during the dusk and evening hours.  Mosquitoes are evening feeders and like to feed under the veil of night and cooler temperatures. Mosquitoes usually feed during those same times that we enjoy entertaining so effective mosquito control is a necessity for anyone who enjoys entertaining  outdoors during the spring and summer.

Mosquito Squad makes mosquito control effortless with our barrier sprays. Our safe and effective barrier treatment kills mosquitoes and prevents more mosquitoes from “celebrating” in your yard. Mosquito Squad sprays regularly scheduled sprays throughout the season to keep your property free of the little pests all summer long. Our barrier treatment is applied approximately every 21 days for continuous mosquito control. We also have a natural solution which offers  effective continuous mosquito control and is applied approximately every 14 days. When I say Mosquito Squad is effortless, it truly is, all you do to get started is contact your local Mosquito Squad to sign up and that’s it- we do the rest. You won’t have to worry about scheduling the misting, or keep track of anything, we take care of the rest. You probably won’t even give mosquitoes a second thought since you and your family won’t be getting bit.

The season is still young, don’t let mosquitoes ruin your outdoor fun this summer. After all, it’s summertime, remember, and the living is supposed to be easy…isn’t that how the song goes? Make it easy to keep mosquitoes away from your and your family with Mosquito Squad.