CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

The Gift of the Outdoors – What to Get the Person Who Has Everything

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 19, 2012

2012 has flown by. I can’t believe that we are just around the corner from the holidays. There is so much to do! I’m the person who likes to have the perfect gift for everyone on my list well in advance of the holiday season. I try not to give the “typical” gifts, but something that may be a little more special.

This year, a lot of our Mosquito Squad franchisees are being asked for gift certificates for customers to give their friends and family. It’s such a great idea for all those people who have everything! It’s unique, it’s helpful and it will be much appreciated by all members of the household.

“Designed to rid yards of mosquitoes and unwanted insects, our customized barrier treatments make for the perfect unexpected holiday gift that keeps on giving,” said Scott Zide of Mosquito Squad. “With record numbers of West Nile virus and Lyme disease cases this year, eliminating as many vectors from the yard is more important than ever.”

Mosquito Squad gift certificates can be purchased in any amount, although we recommend purchasing them for a certain number of sprays or a whole season.

One of my girlfriends complained during the year that the mosquitoes in her yard were terrible, she doused herself in mosquito repellent, but often times she still got bites. For one reason or another, she never called for professional mosquito control. She’s a tough person to buy presents for because she never mentions anything that she really needs. This year, I’m considering getting her mosquito control barrier treatment.

To get a gift certificate for a friend or family member, contact the local Mosquito Squad office in the area the service will be done.

At Mosquito Squad, we take great pride in helping homeowners take back their yards and spend extended time outdoors without bugs. Our services include:

  1. 21-day Barrier Treatment, which kills on contact and continues for three weeks.
  2. 14-day NaturalSpray, which kills adult mosquitoes on contact and has a two-week repellent effect.
  3. Intensive Tick Treatment to reduce the spread of Lyme disease.
  4. Special Event Spray for mosquito-free outdoor parties, weddings, picnics and concerts.
  5. Automatic Misting System providing continuous control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via timed bursts of protective sprays at key times when mosquitoes are at their most active.