CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

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  • Hiring Tick Control Specialists Can Help Keep Lyme Disease at Bay

Hiring Tick Control Specialists Can Help Keep Lyme Disease at Bay

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 18, 2013

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report stating that Lyme disease has gotten worse in the United States over the past few years. The report was published in the Boston Globe on August 20, 2013, and it indicated that an estimated 300,000 people contract the disease every year, as opposed to the reported 30,000. The CDC hopes the results would encourage the government to provide more funding to Lyme disease research and treatment programs.

Lyme disease was named as such because it was first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut. It is an infection that’s caused by bacteria from tick bites. It most commonly presents itself as a simple rash that could eventually lead to arthritis and headaches, since the bacteria attacks the nervous system. Lyme disease is one reason why professional pest control companies, like Mosquito Squad, also offer tick control services.

Ticks are incredibly hard to neutralize. They are small and easy to miss, plus they can quite literally be found everywhere around you. Although they are more likely to be found in the backwoods and secluded places, ticks can even be found inside a clean and tidy home. They can go anywhere simply by latching onto a passerby like a human or a dog. The misconception that ticks can only be found in the wilderness may also be the reason why most cases of Lyme disease go unreported; people assume it is a simple rash rather than a bacterial infection.

Most of the “new” instances of Lyme disease are centralized in the Northeast, particularly in New England. One way to deal with a tick infestation is to employ reliable yard tick control strategies that will ruin the pests’ natural habitat. Homeowners are also encouraged to tend to their yards and pets regularly, so they can immediately remove any tick larvae that they come across.

The best way to deal with ticks is to hire experienced pest control professionals like Mosquito Squad. Their thoroughness will ensure that no ticks are left behind to cause not only the dangers of Lyme disease, but also Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, and Tularemia. While state governments like Massachusetts are doing what they can to suppress tick infestations in their jurisdictions, the federal government is still debating whether or not such measures should be employed across the entire country as well.

For now, people can only rely on their own efforts to halt the spread of tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease. Always remember that a reliable pest control service may be your best hope to completely eradicate ticks and other pests from your life.