CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

Mosquito Squad Mosquito Control Gears up for the 2012 Season

Posted by Mosquito Squad

February 3, 2022

As some people search for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift to give their loved ones, or plan for the upcoming Presidents Day weekend, we at Mosquito Squad are gearing up for the Spring and the mosquitoes that come with it.

Our goal every season is to provide our clients with as much outdoor enjoyment without the annoyance of mosquitoes as we can. But that takes planning in advance. All of our Mosquito Squad franchisees use the winter months to get all parts of the business in order so they can provide the best mosquito control possible in the Spring. Trucks are services, equipment is inspected, and applicators are modeling?

Yup. In 2012, your local Mosquito Squad applicators may look a little different. This year, they will all be sporting the Mosquito Squad uniform of a green dry-fit shirt (as pictured to the right) and khaki pants. We feel it is important for our mosquito control applicators not only be comfortable, but look approachable to our clients and their neighbors.

As our franchisees organize and plan for the upcoming mosquito season, start asking yourself how you would use your outdoor living spaces if they were free of mosquitoes. Would you host more outdoor dinner parties? Are there games your kids would enjoy playing in the backyard? Signing up with Mosquito Squad’s season-long barrier treatment now will mean that you don’t have to worry about annoying bites this Spring or Summer. We will let you know when we are coming to mist your yard and you get to sit back and enjoy.

If you are interested in learning more about our mosquito control options, please visit or contact your local Mosquito Squad franchise.