CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

Is Global Warming Affecting the Tick Population?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 23, 2012

Global warming has been a hot topic the past few years resulting in a greater awareness of Mother Nature, her ever-changing status, and what we can do to protect her. According to PlanetSave, a blog focused on saving the planet, global warming could lead to the extinction of over a million species. Ticks, however, is not one of them.

Ticks thrive in warmer weather. Whether it’s the heat of the summer or dead of winter, ticks can become active anytime the temperature rises over 40 degrees and there isn’t snow and ice on the ground. For many areas around the country, that’s the case right now.

With ticks coming out earlier in the year and staying later, their population has increased in many areas, resulting in more cases of tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease. On a recent warm day here in Virginia a friend of mine asked me if I continue to give my dog flea and tick medication throughout the winter. The answer is yes as you never know when a tick is on that plant my four-legged friend is sniffing so intently. Depending on where you live, it’s important to protect yourself, your kids and your pets from ticks all year round (for those of you in states with inches of snow right now, you’re safe).

How can you protect yourself from ticks and the illnesses they carry? It’s all about being observant and proactive:

  • If you are going outdoors, wear light colored and loose clothing that covers the majority of your body. Ticks’ dark bodies are easier to see on a light background.
  • Check yourself. Check your clothing and skin for ticks when coming indoors. Make sure to check those hard-to-see areas like behind the ears, armpits, etc.
  • Remove all ticks immediately. Here’s a guide to remove ticks properly from the CDC. Record the date and location of the bite and place the tick in a baggie if you can in case you notice any symptoms in the future.

Ticks are small, but they can be big trouble. If you want to rid your yard of ticks, contact Mosquito Squad. Our tick tube application will get to the ticks before they get to you.