Do you need mosquito protection at the beach?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

When visiting beaches in the Ponte Vedra area, mosquito control should always be a consideration.

The beauty of the advent of spring is that now is the time we start planning our visits to Ponte Vedra Beach. In the midst of planning for this return to Ponte Vedra Beach, be sure to pack the items you know you will want to remember once you arrive. A family beach outing is all about fun, and perhaps mosquito protection is not top-of-mind, but it should be. With the prevalence of these aerial bloodsuckers in Ponte Vedra Beach, we must remain vigilant about mosquito control no matter where we go outdoors. You probably know about Mosquito Squad’s at-home mosquito control in Ponte Vedra, but how do you protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquitoes at the beach?

Mosquito control Ponte Vedra: Tips for Safer Beach Outings

To avoid mosquito bites while at the beach, here are some great tips for mosquito control Ponte Vedra Beach:

1. Get rid of standing water outside your living quarters. Don’t leave sand pails, buckets, and beach toys outdoors where they can collect water from rain and nighttime air. Empty them, clean them, and bring them indoors until your next Pone Vedra Beach visit.

2. Apply insect repellent to any exposed areas of your skin. For natural mosquito control, we recommend a repellent that contains oil of lemon eucalyptus, citronella, lemongrass or geranium extract.

3. Dress in light colors to avoid attracting Ponte Vedra Beach mosquitoes. Dark colored clothing can make you a mosquito target, especially around dusk, when mosquitoes are very active.

4. Stay indoors at dusk and dawn to avoid times mosquitoes are more active and prone to bite. These times are often cooler and less windy making conditions more favorable for mosquitoes.

Protect yourselves from mosquitoes at the beach and at home. Choose Mosquito Squad of Northeast Florida for mosquito control Ponte Vedra Beach. Call (904) 844-0816.