CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

The five “T’s” in mosquito prevention

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 13, 2011

I was talking to Dread Skeeter the other day, Dread is our Mosquito Squad mascot and he was telling me how proud he was of Russ Jundt, team leader of Mosquito Squad of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Russ was interviews by Fox @ 5 News on Memorial Day weekend and shared with viewers how they can better protect their families and pets from mosquitoes by practicing the very important 5 mosquito prevention “T’s”. 

The 5 mosquito prevention “T’s” are…

  • Tip
  • Toss
  • Tarps (remove)
  • Turn over
  • Top

Learn the 5 "T's" in mosquito prevention and tell those mosquitoes "bite me".

It is simply amazing how much moisture and rainwater can collect in the smallest of things, giving pesky mosquitoes a chance to breed and grow in numbers quite quickly. Be sure that dog dishes, children’s toys and playthings, empty pots and planters ( including the drainage pan underneath), and even water bottles and small bottles caps are removed when not “in use” or turned over to keep water from collecting. Hundreds of eggs can be laid by a female mosquito in an area as small as a bottle cap.

To See Russ’ tips “in person” you can see him on YouTube at

Contact Mosquito Squad today to learn more helpful hints in mosquito and tick prevention and to schedule a barrier treatment for your property to kill and prevent ticks and mosquitoes all season long and tell those mosquitoes “bite me”!