CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

Tires & Mosquitoes on Your Property? Is There a Connection?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

February 3, 2022

We recently heard a story from our Mosquito Squad of Charlottesville location that has us concerned. There was a news piece just a few days ago about a neighborhood that has been bombarded by mosquitoes this year, with homeowners and their pets receiving more bites than they have in previous years. The only thing different this year was a new tire shop that’s now open.

Tires make for perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. When left outside, either in piles or even in the form of a tire swing, they can catch and hold water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water where they hatch and mature. In the Charlottesville example, the tire shop had a large number of tires out on the property, creating a breeding haven for mosquitoes!

Luckily, the owner of the tire shop called Jeff Rude, who provides tick and mosquito control in Charlottesville. He and the Mosquito Squad team came out and treated the tire shop’s property, reducing the mosquito population greatly, however, he did notice other issues throughout the neighborhood, not just at the tire shop. There were tarps as well as buckets with standing water, creating more space for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

Jeff was recently interviewed by the local news and he explained “We advocate teaming up in the community, making sure that everybody is doing their part.” Everyone needs to check their property for standing water that can increase the mosquito population.

Since tires naturally hold water, they do need to be protected from rain, sprinklers, etc. to minimize mosquitoes. If they are being used for a tire swing or another aesthetic or recreational use, we suggest drilling a hole in the bottom so that water passes through.

When tires cannot be protected from water, professional mosquito control can help. Mosquito Squad’s barrier treatment eliminates mosquitoes on contact. Additionally, depending on the area and the mosquito problem, we utilize a species specific growth regulations which stops the mosquito from maturing.

If you have questions on how to reduce the mosquito population on your property, please reach out to your local Mosquito Squad office.