CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

This silent predator is the world’s deadliest. Mosquitoes?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 30, 2011

We have witnessed bear attacks and lion attacks on the TV. The new millennium promises a reality show at every click of the remote. From hunters being chased by bears to gazelle falling prey to lions in Africa, it is all laid out for the whole world to see. Now, how would you feel if I told you the deadliest predator on earth doesn’t roar, or growl? In fact you won’t even feel it attack you until after the damage is already done. The deadliest predator on earth, my dear friends, is the mosquito. The mosquito is responsible for more deaths worldwide than wild animal attacks. The mosquito is the silent predator who strikes and leaves disease in its wake. For this reason alone the mosquito should make us all fearful for it gives no warning of it’s oncoming bite.

Haven’t you ever wondered why most times you don’t see the mosquito that left that red, itchy welt on your leg? The mosquito has the uncanny ability to bite without you knowing it is happening unless you just happen to look down and catch the act in progress. Mosquitoes actually inject a numbing agent which their bodies produce, into us as they feed from us. Many insects in nature inject a similar numbing agent while they feed, such as the bed bug. This numbing agent enables the mosquito to take their fill in a discreet way. The area that the mosquito has fed from will become itchy only after the mosquito has fed. This itching and swelling is our own bodies reaction to the anticoagulants which are also present in the mosquitoes saliva. These anticoagulants are responsible for allowing the mosquito to feed from us liberally without the complication of our blood becoming clotted during feeding. While the mosquito feeds, the blood she is taking from us fills her abdomen where a sensory nerve within her abdomen will alert her that she is full. If you were to somehow cut or disable the nerve within the mosquitoes abdomen she would actually feed off of us until she exploded!

The science of the mosquito is dangerous because with other dangerous predators you can run when you see or hear their approach, no such warning is present with the mosquito. Our only defense is to prevent them from getting to you and your family. Blood is crucial to the life cycle of the mosquito, without it the female cannot lay her eggs.

There are many ways to prevent and avoid mosquitoes on your property. Keeping brush and debris cleaned up, lawn mowed and gutters cleaned is a good beginning. You also need to regularly inspect your property and around your home to make sure there are no containers or crevices where moisture can accumulate. Keep in mind any area as small as a soda pop bottle top can become a nursery to over 300 mosquito eggs. Tip, toss, turn over and throw away all things that can retain any amounts of moisture. Check any screened areas around or within the home for tears and holes where mosquitoes could move in on you and your family. Have your property professionally treated by a licensed technician to kill and deter mosquitoes on your property, and above all, exercise common sense and think from the mosquitoes point of view.

Mosquito Squad has many weapons to kill and prevent mosquitoes from entering your property. We offer an automatic mosquito misting system that releases our safe and effective mosquito control treatment in timed intervals throughout the day. We also offer a season-long alternative to mosquito control that uses our safe and effective barrier sprays that are misted at scheduled intervals throughout the mosquito season. All Mosquito Squad products are approved by the EPA and deemed safe. We offer hassle free mosquito control that manages the mosquito population in your yard.