CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

City dwellers feel the wrath of the Asian tiger mosquito.

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 5, 2011

Where does your memory bank take you when you think of being bitten by a mosquito? Is is that summer you went to camp and brought home the knowledge of how to tie 5 different knots, and a body covered in itchy welts? Maybe, just maybe, it was last week’s backyard barbecue when your husband outdid himself with his BBQ chicken and the mosquitoes outdid themselves as well, running all your friends home early.

When most of think about the type of setting mosquitoes prefer we picture a backyard, or the woods. We rarely ever picture a metropolis sprawling with tall buildings and alive with honking taxis, but that is exactly where officials are reporting scourges of mosquitoes, and even worse, the dreaded Asian tiger mosquito is taking up residence. It is like reading that cherished old children’s tale about the city mouse and the country mouse, the only difference is the mice are actually mosquitoes and this story is not bound for a happy ending.

On July 20th, 2011 The Wall Street Journal confirmed the presence of the Asian tiger mosquito in New York City. This mosquito loves urban areas. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) is developing a cost-effective way to control these mosquitoes. The Asian tiger is showing up in urban areas such as NY city for the simple reason that urban areas stay 5-10 degrees warmer than rural areas. These mosquitoes love the heat and humidity, as they are daytime feeders as well as evening feeders, unlike other species of mosquitoes who only feed during the evening hours. The conditions are perfect for Asian tiger mosquitoes to hang out longer, and with the nationwide heat wave, we are seeing them earlier into the season as well.  The Wall Street Journal cites that the Asian tiger mosquitoes arrived three months earlier this year than they did last year, this year they made their appearance in June. To read the entire WSJ article visit

The Asian tiger mosquito is an invasive species with its roots traced back to Southeast Asia. It showed up in America in 1985  when it hitched a ride in a shipment of used  tires bound for the port of Houston, Texas. Since that fated shipment in 1985 the rest is history. These mosquitoes have spread like wildfire all the way up the East coast as far as Maine. The Asian tiger gets its name from its distinct black and white striped markings that mimic those of a tiger.

Not only do Asian tiger mosquitoes feed during the day, they are also aggressive feeders sometimes attacking their victim several times until they are satisfied. These mosquitoes also require very little water to lay their eggs in to multiply the species and thus, they multiply quickly and in large numbers. They can lay their eggs in the holes of a tree, wet leaves, ditches and very miniscule amounts of water to be efficient breeders. It is important to keep all containers turned over and thrown away to discourage infestations from beginning in your own backyard. These mosquitoes can lay hundreds of eggs in a container no larger that a soda bottle lid. Keeping your gutters clean and free of debris also a good way to discourage these pests from multiplying as well. Mosquito Squad outlines the important “5 T’s” to mosquito control in this informative piece.

Common sense precautions are key to preventing experiencing this mosquitoes wrath. Having a licensed professional treat your property is a great way to prevent mosquitoes from your living areas as well. Mosquito Squad has a proven, safe and effective barrier treatment program that kills mosquitoes that are in your yard and prevents further infestation from the residual left from the mist. These sprays are scheduled in intervals throughout the mosquito season to give you season-long mosquito control. Mosquito Squad can also install a super effective mosquito misting system on your property that is highly effective in giving you continuous control. After all, out of sight and out of mind is the best solution to dealing with mosquitoes.