CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

Outdoor Activities to Relieve Stress

Posted by Mosquito Squad
Outdoor Activities to Relieve Stress

May 19, 2020

Scrolling through social media and watching movies can be an easy way to pass the time, but is it really how you should be spending your day? Spending time outside isn’t just something most of us enjoy, it’s actually necessary for our mental and physical health. If you’ve been feeling stressed these past few weeks, we’re here to help you take advantage of all that your backyard has to offer.

Reducing Stress in Your Own Backyard

The Importance of Getting Outside

You don’t have to be hiking a mountain or walking through a grassy plain to reap the benefits of being outdoors — everything you need is sitting in your backyard. Spending time outside, even if it’s just steps away from your house, has been known to boost your energy and activity levels, improve your creativity, and restore your focus.

How You Can Relieve Stress

To say we’re all living through stressful times would be an understatement. With most people entering their third, maybe even fourth, month of self-isolation, spending time outside has never been more important. Reduce your stress by:

  • Practicing yoga. Yoga has been known to have infinite benefits — it’s low impact, healthy for people of all ages, and can help refocus your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Playing ball. When was the last time you grabbed a glove and threw the baseball around? Even if you don’t have a field to play in, you can still kick around a soccer ball or throw a football with your little ones.
  • Working from your backyard. Are you one of the millions of Americans working from home right now? Unfortunately, working from home can make it easy to spend from sunup to sundown on the couch. Break up the monotony of working from home by grabbing your laptop and working from your backyard for a few hours every day.
  • Having fun with chalk. Sidewalk chalk has made a big comeback during quarantine. This week, encourage your kids to spread some kind words, create an obstacle course, or just let their creativity run wild.
  • Taking a walk. Feeling cooped up? Even though most every state has adopted a stay-at-home order, governments still suggest people get outside to protect their mental and physical health — just remember to follow your state’s safety guidelines when you go outside (like wearing a mask and practicing social distancing).

With all this time spent outdoors, make sure your yard is prepped. At Mosquito Squad, we’re proud to eliminate annoying mosquitoes and ticks from the backyards of families across the nation and around the world. Visit our site or give us a call today!