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Attract the Bugs You Want with Flowers for Pollinators

Posted by Mosquito Squad
Attract the Bugs You Want with Flowers for Pollinators

May 2, 2023

If you want a yard full of colorful and healthy flowers, not only do you need sunlight, water, and nutrient-rich soil, but you also need pollinators! Learn about the best plants and flowers to add to your yard to attract pollinators and help your garden thrive.

What Is a Pollinator?

A pollinator is an insect or animal that transfers pollen from the stamen of a flower to the stigma of the same or another flower. This fertilizes the plant and allows it to grow fruits, seeds, flowers, or new plants. While some bee species intentionally collect and transfer pollen, most pollinators accidentally transfer pollen when feeding on nectar or looking for shelter or nesting materials within a plant.

How to Attract Pollinators

The best way to attract pollinators to your yard is by growing healthy and flowering plants, especially native ones. Grow them in large clusters if you can, and choose plants that bloom repeatedly or for a long time. Make your yard even more attractive by adding more food and water sources, such as a hummingbird feeder.

10 Plants for Pollinators

  1. Zinnia

This tall and brightly colored flower is one of the best plants for butterflies. This is a great flower for beginner gardeners who want to attract pollinators because it’s easy to care for and fast-growing.

  1. Lavender

Lavender is a fragrant plant with many small flowers. These flowers have easily accessible pollen and nectar, making them perfect for attracting a variety of pollinators. Bumblebees and butterflies are especially fond of this flower.

  1. Coneflower

Heat- and drought-resistant, this hardy wildflower is full of nectar and sure to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard from late spring through the summer. This plant is a perennial, meaning it will naturally grow each year even bigger than the one before!

  1. Goldenrod

For the ultimate flower for pollinators, you can’t go wrong with goldenrod. This flower is known for its large and sticky pollen grains that attract various pollinators, from beetles and small birds to bees and moths. This flower is a great addition to any garden or farm, as it grows quickly, requires little maintenance, and will keep pollinators in the area.

  1. Aster

To keep your yard attracting pollinators longer, try growing aster. This flower blooms in late summer and fall, unlike the other pollinators on this list that are at their peak bloom in mid-summer. The flowers attract bees and butterflies, and in the winter, the plant’s extra seeds and dried-out stalks serve as shelter and food for small animals and birds.

  1. Lantana

Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds love this plant. With clusters of small, colorful flowers, it is easy for bugs to land on to collect large amounts of nectar. Be sure to wear gardening gloves if caring for the lantana plant because its leaves have been known to cause skin irritation.

  1. Salvia

If your yard is full-sun, the salvia plant could be a great option for attracting pollinators. The nectar-rich flower has a long bloom time and will attract a multitude of bugs and small birds.

  1. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are a beacon to pollinators of all kinds. Their large, bright, tall flowers have both nectar and pollen and are easy for bees, butterflies, moths, and other creatures to spot from a distance.

  1. Cosmos

The cosmo is in the same flower family as the sunflower and has a long stem with a bright, nectar-filled flower on top. Honeybees and butterflies are especially drawn to this flower. Cosmos are easy to grow in most climates, including warm and dry environments. Be careful not to overwater a cosmo; instead, let its soil dry between waterings to promote flower growth.

  1. Milkweed

This is a great plant for attracting butterflies if it’s a native variety. Monarch butterflies need it, as it is the only type of plant their caterpillars feed on, so they lay eggs on it. Be careful if planting milkweed in areas where livestock or pets might accidentally eat the leaves, as they can be poisonous to some animals.

If you’ve planted flowers for pollinators in the past and are worried that poor plant health may be preventing insects and birds from feeding on your flowers, contact a Monster Tree Service team near you for their professional plant health care services.

Why Are Pollinators Important?

Having a beautiful garden is a great reason to want pollinators around. But planting pollinator-friendly plants and flowers supports the ecosystem and economy in more ways than just helping your flowers bloom and grow. Pollinators are necessary to support fruit and vegetable crop production. Without pollinators, many of the foods you need, and love, would no longer be available; a world without naturally growing food sources would not be sustainable.

Stable pollination is also necessary for an ecosystem to function properly, as herbivores and omnivores require fertilized plants as a nutritious food source. Finally, pollinators are necessary for plant regrowth, which is essential for healthy air, shelter for animals, and so much more!

Enjoy Your Pollinator Paradise!

When it comes to bugs in your yard, we know that some are better to have around than others. A colorful butterfly feeding on your cosmos is helpful, but a mosquito biting your arm while you water your garden is an annoyance. To enjoy your yard of flowering plants and avoid any unwanted bugs, try a natural barrier treatment from our Mosquito Squad experts. This natural mosquito repellent uses essential oils to deter mosquitoes while considering the well-being of your environment and pollinators. Contact your local Mosquito Squad or call (877) 332-2239 to naturally protect your yard.