CDC Alert: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has a fatality rate of 30%. Learn more about EEE and contact your local Mosquito Squad for mosquito and pest control treatments.

West Nile Numbers Continue to Grow

Posted by Mosquito Squad

September 13, 2012

2012 is the worst year on file for West Nile virus and the numbers continue to grow. In the last week alone, the reported number of people infected with the mosquito-borne virus has increased 35%. According to the Centers for Disease Control, experts expect that number to grow until the end of September.

There have been 2,636 cases of confirmed cases of West Nile this year.

But history says that we are over the peak. Dr. Lyle Petersen from the CDC says that “based on historical data, health officials are hopeful that the nation has ‘turned the corner’ on the epidemic for this season.” Source.

He did however caution that those states that continue to have unusually warm weather may continue to see the number rise until temperatures start to drop. Mosquitoes become less aggressive in cooler temperatures and usually die when it turns freezing.

While 80% of those people bitten by an infected mosquito will never display any symptoms, the cases that have been diagnosed this year have been serious. 118 people have died and 53% of patients have developed “serious illness, such as meningitis or encephalitis.”

It’s important to make sure that you are protecting yourself from West Nile with effective mosquito control. Mosquito Squad offers a barrier treatment that will cut your yard’s mosquito popular by 85-90%. It last for three weeks upon which another treatment is needed.

As school and student sports seasons have started across most of the country, it’s important that kids protect themselves if they are in an untreated area, especially at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are known to be most active. A topical mosquito treatment can be used to repel the mosquitoes in those cases.

If you have questions about how to protect you and your family against West Nile, please contact your local Mosquito Squad office.