What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Ticks in the Yard?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

During the winter season we cease to worry about the insects that plague us during the warmer months, but they are never far off. When spring finally returns, we will return to the outdoors and embrace activities like hosting gatherings, going on colorful hikes, and so much more! With so much to do, it can be really easy to forget that some reemerging hazards could be detrimental to your health. The hazards we speak of are ticks.

Ticks are typically associated with the summer, but they are also fairly prevalent in the spring. Ticks can, in fact, survive in the open air until temperatures fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far lower than the threshold at which mosquitoes cannot survive (50 degrees Fahrenheit). So, ticks will reemerge as soon as the weather becomes somewhat favorable. Well before we are done wearing jackets! As a resident of the Northeast, you are probably aware of the risks associated with tick bites. Indeed, our region is a hub of this public health emergency, where Lyme disease from tick bites affects between 300,000 and 400,000 Americans annually. What can you do to defend your yard against these creatures?

Tick control is best from professional sources

Wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts is one of the simplest and most practical methods to protect yourself from ticks in your yard and outside in the woods. By keeping your skin covered, you decrease the chance that a tick will be able to bite you. Ticks like to cling to exposed skin. Regular and thorough yard management is another simple strategy for tick prevention. Fallen leaves, long grasses, bushes, and other typical backyard natural features are good places for ticks to hide. By clearing ugly debris from your yard, you eliminate essential tick habitat, decreasing the possibility that a tick will hide there. The most effective method for tick control, however, is with professional help.

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked for nearly twenty years to provide unrivaled professional tick control services to our customers in Massachusetts. Ticks are no joke, and neither are our solutions! With the help of our powerful barrier protection treatments and highly trained technicians, we can guarantee a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property.

Ticks are difficult to deal with due to their numbers and tiny size. With professional tick control from Mosquito Squad of Springfield, you can enjoy the outdoors without worry this spring! Give us a call at (413) 418-3359.