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  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Brimfield: Why Wilbraham Mosquito Control Matters More Than Ever

Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Brimfield: Why Wilbraham Mosquito Control Matters More Than Ever

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

The discovery of mosquitoes carrying Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in nearby Brimfield, MA, is a stark reminder of the critical need for effective mosquito control in Wilbraham. Summer may be reaching its end, but mosquitoes are capable of persisting into the fall when warmer temperatures remain in the region. While EEE is relatively rare, it is a severe and often fatal illness that no one can afford to overlook. With autumn approaching, now is the time to bolster your defenses.

The Present Danger of EEE Makes Mosquito Control in Wilbraham Vital

Eastern Equine Encephalitis is a virus transmitted through mosquito bites. Contracting the disease is indeed relatively uncommon, but the consequences can be severe. EEE has a 30% fatality rate and often leaves survivors with long-term neurological issues. While rare, its severity underscores the importance of taking proactive measures through Wilbraham mosquito control.

Up to 21 Days of Peace of Mind with Our Treatments

Our treatments offer a robust defense against mosquitoes, lasting up to 21 days at a time. This ensures that you can enjoy your outdoor spaces throughout the fall without the looming threat of EEE or other mosquito-borne illnesses. Our professional mosquito barrier treatments significantly reduce mosquito populations, giving you and your family the peace of mind you deserve.

Wilbraham Mosquito Control is Your Best Line of Defense

The best way to help protect against the potential threat of EEE is through effective mosquito control. Our treatments are not only long-lasting but also guarantee up to a 90% reduction in mosquito populations. So, as you enjoy the beautiful New England autumn, you can feel secure knowing you’ve taken steps to help protect your health and well-being.

Don't wait for the next mosquito-borne disease scare to act. Recent EEE-positive mosquito surveys in Brimfield underline the need for effective Wilbraham mosquito control. Trust Mosquito Squad of Springfield for effective treatments you can rely on. Give us a call at (413) 418-3359.