What is the Most Effective Somerset Mosquito Control?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Spring is in full swing, and summer isn’t too far off either! Believe it or not, we are approaching the end of April, and warmer weather is looking like it is here to stay for the foreseeable future. What does this mean for your outdoor living season, though? While we will be able to spend more time in the outdoors and enjoy our yards and gardens, there are other creatures around that are committed to making our time in nature insufferable. What insects are we speaking of? The answer is mosquitoes. These tiny, flying, biting pests herald the return of warm weather and they are the predominant threat to living our best lives in the outdoors, meaning we need to take defensive measures against them. Mosquitoes are more than just a casual nuisance in the Northeast, though. For years, there have been increasing instances of mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus, Zika virus, and others that can cause considerable damage to our health and happiness. As you can imagine, defending against mosquitoes can be a real hassle for those without the tools and expertise to do so, which is why Mosquito Squad is here to help!

Professional Somerset mosquito control is an important addition to your home

Rather than spend your own valuable time or rely on amateur mosquito control sources that aren’t reliable or regulated, make sure to entrust your Somerset mosquito control to the experts. That’s where we come in.

Mosquito Squad is your source for Somerset mosquito control

For over 20 years, our team has worked relentlessly to defend our customers against the downsides of mosquitoes, from their painful, itchy bites to their dangerous diseases. Over the years, we have developed powerful treatments that are guaranteed to reduce the mosquito population on your property dramatically. For example, with the help of our traditional mosquito barrier treatments, you can expect up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property. Each of these treatments lasts for up to 21 days, so only occasional reapplications are necessary. Further, we offer natural mosquito barrier treatments created using essential oils that are not quite, but close to the same efficacy as our traditional treatments. Whichever you choose, you can rest assured that mosquitoes will no longer see your property as the haven they thought it was!

Powerful Somerville mosquito control is easy with the expertise of our professionals at Mosquito Squad of Princeton. Defend your spring and summer against mosquitoes! Give us a call at (609) 778-1797.

Also read: Do NJ mosquitoes spread diseases?