Spring forward with Mosquito Control in Somerset Now

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

At long last, spring is on the horizon! After months of cold and too-little sun, we are finally on the cusp of what many consider to be the best time of year. Outdoor activities like cookouts, gardening, relaxation, and more are all options with the improved weather, but not all are sunshine and daisies when the warm season arrives. Bugs of many varieties are going to emerge in the coming weeks, and while most are beneficial to your yard’s ecosystem, some need to be controlled. Yes, mosquitoes are returning to the Northeast this summer with their incessant buzzing and biting. As great as summer can be, mosquitoes are a constant hassle to contend with as they are capable of ruining everything from outdoor naps to large wedding events. Further, mosquitoes don’t just bite; they also can infect us with diseases they picked up from other animals.

Typically, people in the U.S. don’t concern themselves with the idea that mosquitoes can transmit diseases, but this perception is quickly changing. Due to a variety of factors including changing habitat, warming temperatures, and invasive mosquito species, mosquito-borne diseases are on the rise across the nation. The Northeast, unfortunately, is expected to see an increase in mosquitoes in residential areas in the coming years, putting families at risk of contracting pathogens from these flying biters. With such a concerning trend in mind, why not take steps to ensure you are defended against mosquitoes this spring and summer? At Mosquito Squad, we offer unrivaled mosquito defense services that will bring you the peace of mind you deserve this season.

Somerset mosquito control is necessary

You’ve heard of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria that are rarely seen in the U.S., so what diseases are commonly found in the mosquito populations here? There are diseases here that are highly concerning, including West Nile virus, Zika virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and others that are drawing attention from health authorities throughout the country. Although mosquito-borne diseases in the U.S. are curable, there can be long-term consequences for your health. Deaths have also occurred. EEE, for example, has an estimated mortality rate of 30% with neurological damage inflicted on around 50% of survivors. With these consequences in mind, don’t take risks with your health or your family’s health. There are solutions available to you!

Where to look for mosquito control in Somerset

Mosquito control has never been more important, which is why you should look to the professionals at Mosquito Squad for help. We’ve been in the mosquito control business for nearly 20 years, and we’ve cemented ourselves as a trusted expert in Princeton. With the help of our barrier protection mist and our highly trained technicians, you can expect to see up to a 90% reduction in the mosquito population on your property. Spring is the ideal time to begin your mosquito control in Somerset, and biweekly treatments from Mosquito Squad of Princeton through the spring and summer will keep you defended. Give us a call at (609) 778-1797.