Avoid Lyme Disease: Cape Cod Mosquito Squad

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 20, 2017

Cape Cod is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty. Unfortunately, spending time outdoors in the Cape Cod area can put you at risk for Lyme disease and other tick-borne illness.

The New England region has seen an almost epidemic-level rise in cases of Lyme disease over the last decade, and Massachusetts has the unfortunate distinction of being the state with the nation’s fourth-highest rate of Lyme disease. Reported cases of Lyme disease in Massachusetts occur year-round and are at their highest May through August.

Lyme Disease Risks

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans and animals by ticks. Symptoms vary, but in many cases, a bullseye-shaped rash around the bite site is the first sign. Lyme disease often starts with flu-like symptoms, but may also present with severe headaches, joint pain, and even facial paralysis called Bell’s palsy.

Left untreated, Lyme disease can spread throughout the body and have long-term effects including arthritis, nerve damage, heart problems, and cognitive issues like memory loss. Though it is rarely fatal in humans, it has a higher fatality rate among pets.

How Can I Prevent Lyme Disease?

Prompt removal of ticks is one line of defense against contracting Lyme disease. However, juvenile ticks, the size of poppy seeds, can transmit diseases, so you may not even realize you’ve been bitten until it’s too late. The best way to avoid Lyme disease is to prevent ticks from coming into contact with your family and pets in the first place.

How Can Cape Cod Mosquito Squad Help?

Cape Cod Mosquito Squad is dedicated to protecting against disease-carrying insects including mosquitoes and ticks.

We take a two-prong approach to defending your property against ticks. Our barrier control mist kills adult ticks and mosquitoes on contact. We further disrupt the tick life cycle with our tick tubes.

Tick tubes are strategically placed throughout the property. They contain specially treated cotton, which mice then use for nesting. When juvenile ticks feed on mice, their preferred host, they are exposed to the tick treatment and eliminated before they can travel to other hosts, like humans and pets.

Contact Mosquito Squad of Cape Cod today for a free consultation.